Giving Back

Warm Hearts, Warm Students - Keim Asset Management Coat Drive

Hello! This is David’s wife, Aimee Keim. As many of you know, I help David in the office mainly with client service. Recently I was inspired during a rather mundane closet cleanout session. I wondered aloud,” Why not organize a winter coat and warm outdoor accessory drive? Others must have the same kind of unused resources in their closets as well!”

Where does Keim Asset come into this story you may be asking? I floated the idea by David and he was all for it! He funded the purchase of several top quality gently –worn coats and accessories to kick start the drive. We printed up color fliers and walked our neighborhood together distributing them, involving our wonderful Syracuse Strathmore neighbors in an effort to make sure more kids would be ready for the coming winter weather. Many kids in the city walk to school and the winters here can be very hard on them without proper warm outerwear.

Our neighbors literally opened their closets as well as their hearts to bring forth a total of 50 plus beautiful coats, accompanied by as many hats, mittens, gloves, snow pants, and scarves. In addition, many of them donated quality boys and girls indoor clothing that would be just as welcomed by the students. There was no junk in the whole collection, nothing I wouldn’t have our own grandkids proudly wear.

I picked a local PreK-8th grade school to receive the beautiful donations. Frazer School is located in the midst of a truly economically needy neighborhood. The students come from struggling families. Many students at Frazer come from new immigrant families. Working alongside Ms. Kristin Moses, a social worker at Frazer, we organized and distributed all the donations before the snow flew and the winds blew! Due to her firsthand knowledge of the kids, she was able to pair up the clothing with just the right student

Thanks to warm hearts, some old fashioned neighborhood effort, and Keim Asset’s support, there are more warm students on the West side of Syracuse, New York.






